What We Heard
Prince of Wales Fort National Historic Site
Parks Canada has prepared the management plan for Prince of Wales Fort National Historic Site, to be tabled in Parliament in late 2024.
A management plan, prepared in consultation with partners and stakeholders is the main public accountability document for heritage places administered by Parks Canada. A management plan identifies the vision and long-term strategic direction for the national historic site and describes how that vision and direction will be achieved. It describes how the natural and cultural resources will be protected while also promoting public understanding and appreciation and facilitating meaningful visitor experiences.
This newest management plan will replace the 2011 Prince of Wales Fort National Historic Site Management Plan.
Consultation process
Parks Canada sought input to help shape the site’s new management plan and ensure that it is based on a shared vision that reflects the priorities of the Parks Canada Agency, Indigenous communities, partners, stakeholders and the public.
The process of renewing the plan originally started in 2019. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, management planning was put on hold. The planning process resumed in 2022.
During meetings with York Factory First Nation and Fox Lake Cree Nation in early 2024, Prince of Wales Fort National Historic Site and the upcoming management plan were discussed. These conversations focused on the general direction that they would like to see the management plan follow.
Input from the Manitoba Métis Federation was also sought in early 2024.
In March 2024, Parks Canada reached out to an additional eight regional Indigenous partners for their feedback. These partners may have interest in Prince of Wales Fort now, or in the future, but have not been involved in the recent administration of the site or program delivery.
In May 2024, a draft management plan was shared with tourism stakeholders. Comments could be provided in writing or via individual meetings with the Site Superintendent, Manitoba North. Three tourism stakeholders arranged individual meetings with the Site Superintendent.
An open house was held in Churchill, Manitoba on June 13, 2024. The open house was advertised through social media, posts in local Facebook groups and through posters on local bulletin boards. Residents and visitors were invited to the Town Centre Complex to provide input on the draft management plan.
The draft management was posted online on the Consulting with Canadians platform from June 13, 2024 to July 9, 2024. This was advertised on social media, through the Parks Canada website and through word of mouth.
What we heard
Participants shared thoughtful feedback and emphasized the importance Indigenous involvement and representation at Prince of Wales Fort National Historic Site.
The key role that national historic sites play in fostering appreciation and understanding of the cultural and natural heritage of the area was recognized during the consultation phase. Participants identified the collective national historic site: Prince of Wales Fort, Cape Merry and Sloop Cove, as a place of connection, protection and exploration. Feedback provided also covered areas such as what is being done well and areas where improvement may be needed. This feedback was used to further develop the management plan and will guide plan implementation.
During the consultation process we heard the following:
- Indigenous involvement and presence at the site should increase. This honours the stories of the different cultures involved in the history of the site.
- Programming offered at the site should increase and/or expand to additional seasons beyond what is currently available.
- The site should be maintained and improved, including bathroom facilities, docks and landscaping.
- Language in the plan could be changed to be less generic and more inspiring.
- Several copies of a form letter regarding the use of bear monitors were received, advocating for an emphasis on human wildlife coexistence.
What’s next
The planning team for Prince of Wales Fort National Historic Sites will complete the 2024 management plan and once tabled in Parliament, will be released to the public. For more information about the management plan and updates on plan implementation, please visit our website and social media platforms.
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