
Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site

Notice of restriction: Fishing restrictions

Issued: March 30, 2024


EFFECTIVE DATE: March 30 to September 1, 2024


Pursuant to section 35(1) of the National Parks of Canada Fishing Regulations, the following activities are hereby RESTRICTED by order of the Superintendent, Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site of Canada (park).

1. Subject to sections 20* and 21** of the National Parks of Canada Fishing Regulations,

(1) no person shall, when fishing in park waters, use a hook unless it is a single hook and

(a) it is a barbless hook; or

(b) the barbs have been removed from it; or

(c) the barbs have been pinched to the shaft of the hook.

2. No person shall, when fishing in park waters, use a lead sinker or lead jig.

3. No person shall use or have in their possession for use as bait any natural bait or any chemical attractant. This includes live or dead minnows or worms or any parts thereof.

4. Catch and possession limits – Catch and Release

Table 1. Catch and Possession Limits
Species of Fish Catch and Possession Limit (Daily and Aggregate)
All non-invasive species 0 (Catch and release only)
Invasive species defined as chain pickerel and smallmouth bass

(1) no person shall, in park waters, catch and retain fish of the species in Table 1.
(2) no person shall possess, within park boundaries, fish of the species in Table 1.
(3) Any person who catches a fish, in park waters, shall immediately unhook the fish and return it to the water with as little damage to the fish as possible.

*National Parks of Canada Fishing Regulations*

Section 20 defines *No fishing lakes
Section 21 defines **Artificial fly fishing only zone


Pursuant to section 7(1) of the National Parks General Regulations, the following activities are hereby RESTRICTED by order of the Superintendent, Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site of Canada (park).


1. No person shall release any chain pickerel or smallmouth bass caught within the boundaries of the park. Any person who catches chain pickerel or small mouth bass shall retain, kill, and register their daily catch in the manner set out in the Sportfish Management and Protection brochure.


Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site of Canada/Kejimkujik Seaside, Kejimkujik National Park of Canada.


To protect park watersheds and prevent further spread of invasive species.


It is an offence under the Canada National Parks Act to contravene these prohibitions. Failure to comply may result in fishing permit suspension or charges.

Original signed by Jonathan Sheppard, Superintendent, Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site of Canada — 2024-03-27

Fishing restrictions

No fishing:

  • Rogers Brook
  • Grafton Brook
  • Cobrielle Lake
  • Mountain Lake
  • Beaverskin Lake
  • Pebbleloggitch Lake
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