Thaıdene Nëné National Park Reserve

Business Licencing Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need a Parks Canada business license?

    You require a Parks Canada business license to conduct commercial activities in Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve.

  • Is Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve different from Thaidene Nëné Territorial Protected Area?

    Yes, the national park reserve is managed by Parks Canada in collaboration with Indigenous partners. The Territorial Protected Area is managed by the Government of Northwest Territories (GNWT) in collaboration with the same partners.

  • I already have a business license for another national park.
        Do I also need one for Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve?

    Yes. If you’re planning to operate in Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve, you’ll need a specific licence for the Park. Park licencing is managed and administered by each individual park.

  • How much does a license cost?

    The following fees apply to business licenses in Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve:

    Caption text
    Outfitter $213.00
    Guiding (per guide) $8.75
    Type A: Air Charter/Outfitter Business Licence for Park Operations $213.00
    Type B: Air Charter (non-park related) with Reliance Fuel Cache Access $391.50
    Marine Transportation (with dangerous goods) $391.50
    Marine Transportation (without dangerous goods) $106.50
    Lodge $106.50
    Concession $64.25
    Contractor $106.50
    Tradesperson (per person) $8.75

    Other fees may apply depending on the type of service provided.

  • How does Parks Canada define a business?

    We define a business as “any trade, industry, employment, occupation, activity or special event carried on in a park for profit, gain, fundraising or commercial promotion, and includes an undertaking carried on in a park by a charitable organization, or by an organization or individual in a non-profit basis.”

  • What is the duration of the business license?

    Business licenses are valid April 1 through to March 31 of the following year. Businesses can apply for the re-issuance of a licence in good standing.

  • When should I apply?

    Applications for new businesses must be submitted by September 1st for the next operating season.

  • How do I apply?

    Once you have completed the application, you can submit it via:
    e-mail: thaidene.nene@pc.gc.ca 
    fax: 867-766-8466
    mail: PO Box 1166, Yellowknife, NT X1A 1C0
    in person: Suite 220, 5101 50th Avenue (Greenstone Building), Yellowknife.

  • What happens after I submit my application?

    We’ll send you confirmation that we have received it, and we’ll contact you if we have any questions. The application will undergo a functional review by Parks Canada and also be reviewed by Thaidene Nëné xá dá yáłtı (the park’s Operational Management Board). Applications may be required to undergo a 31-day preliminary screening process. If there are no significant concerns detected and your application is approved, we will issue your licence according to the General Terms and Conditions and, if necessary, any specific conditions for your license. If your application is not approved, we will let you know why.

  • What is a preliminary screening?

    A preliminary screening is a requirement under the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (MVRMA) to assess significant negative environmental and social impacts for proposed activities in a national park reserve.

  • If I have a business license for an air charter service, do I need a landing permit too?

    Air charter companies require a Parks Canada business license and an aircraft access permit for flights that land in the park. We are able to issue aircraft access permits for the duration of the season for the sites you identify in your application if there are no environmental, cultural, visitor, health, safety or management concerns.

  • I fish with my clients; can they fish in Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve?

    All visitors fishing in the National Park Reserve must possess a valid Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve Fishing Permit. GNWT Fishing Licenses are not valid in Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve. A fishing permit is not required for traditional harvesting by Aboriginal peoples.

    Annual and daily national park fishing permits will be available from the Parks Canada Yellowknife office, and other locations, starting April 1, 2020. The annual fishing permit is valid in Thaidene Nene National Park Reserve from April 1 to March 30 the following year.

  • What insurance do I need for a Parks Canada business license?

    You need commercial general liability insurance of a minimum of $2 million per incident and that includes “His Majesty the King, in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of the Environment for the purposes of the Parks Canada Agency” as an additional named insured. We also recommend that you consult with your insurance broker to determine the appropriate insurance amounts that a prudent operator would maintain for the activities that are going to be offered as part of your business. You do not need to be insured at the time that your application is submitted. However, if your application is approved, you must provide proof of insurance before a license will be granted. Your license is only valid while your insurance is valid.

  • I still have questions...

    Drop us a line, and we’ll walk you through it. Your best bet is to contact us at 867-766-8460 or thaidene.nene@pc.gc.ca.

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