Auyuittuq National Park
There is nothing like arriving at a place with the feeling that you are the first person to ever visit. That’s what camping in Auyuittuq is like. There are no designated campsites in the park; you may camp anywhere you like, except at archaeological sites,designated areas of special preservation, rockfall areas, and potential wildlife habitat such as sedge meadows.
Select campsites in durable locations where signs of your occupation will be minimized, such as areas with little or no vegetation. Appropriate site selection is especially vital for base camps or if you are traveling in a large group.
Camping equipment should be lightweight durable, and able to withstand harsh conditions such as cold weather and strong winds. Fires are not allowed, backpackers are advised to carry backcountry stoves that burn white gas (or naptha). White gas may be purchased in Qikiqtarjuaq and Pangnirtung, but visitors should phone the suppliers ahead of time to ensure that it is in stock. On scheduled commercial flights, white gas can only be transported as a dangerous good. If you plan to transport fuel or used stoves contact the airline for more information.
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