
Ukkusiksalik National Park

Ukkusiksalik National Park provides essential habitats for a variety of bird species, with their seasonal migration marking the return of spring.

Arctic Tern - Sterna paradisaea

Famous for having the longest migration of any animal, the Arctic tern travels from the Arctic to Antarctica and back each year, covering over 2 million kilometers in its lifetime!

Ivory Gull - Pagophila eburnea

These pure white birds, called Naujavaaq or Kaniq in Inuktitut, have only 500-1000 individuals left in Canada. Ivory gulls rely heavily on sea ice for feeding and are threatened by climate change and predation from other species, such as polar bears.

Rock Ptarmigan - Lagopus muta

This territorial bird, known in Inuktitut as 'aqiggiq,' does not migrate and is well-adapted to the Arctic environment with seasonal camouflage. Its feathers change color with the seasons to blend with the landscape, and its feathered feet allow it to walk on snow. It is a crucial food source for Inuit communities.

Snow Bunting - Plectrophenax nivalis

These birds are some of the first migrants to arrive in the Arctic, making the long journey from as far away as Europe and Africa to breed in the Canadian Arctic.

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