Prescribed fires

Grasslands National Park

Fire is an important part of the grasslands ecosystem and has existed on the landscape since time immemorial.

The Grasslands National Park Fire Management Plan guides all prescribed fire activity in the park. Using fire on the landscape will improve habit quality over the long term. Grasslands National Park has a goal of burning 450 hectares between 2020 and 2025 to support the development of critical habitat for species at risk.

Why do we use prescribed fire in Grasslands National Park?

Ecosystem objectives that are achieved through prescribed fire in Grasslands include:

  • shifting the composition of plants from a non-native to native community
  • enhancing native plant seed production
  • attracting large grazers (bison or livestock)
  • reducing the amount of fuel loads in the park

Fire can be used to manage non-native and invasive plant species such as leafy spurge and crested wheat grass. These plants are aggressive invasive species that compete with and prevent some native plants from growing.

Fire also helps to reduce buildup of dead plant materials on top of the soil, allowing light and heat to penetrate the ground creating more ideal growing conditions for plants like sagebrush that are crucial for species at risk habitat.

How are prescribed fires conducted?

Prescribed fires are managed fires. Safety measures and protocols are in place before, during and after a prescribed fire is lit.

Teams of well-trained, professional wildland fire management specialists plan prescribed fires well before ignition. The first step is to develop a burn plan that is reviewed by specialists and communicated to neighbouring stakeholders. The "prescription" describes the conditions and procedures necessary to burn safely and effectively. Fire managers use computer models and information networks to guide their decisions. They analyze weather, fuel conditions and topography to predict fire behaviour. A prescribed fire needs the same conditions as any other fire to start and build, such as temperature and moisture level. This means that a prescribed fire may be set when the fire danger rating is high, including during a fire ban. Prescribed fire is always under careful supervision.

Why not graze instead of prescribe burn?

Grazing offers some of the ecological benefits of fire, like removing grass and recycling nutrients, but affects the ecosystem in a different way than fire. Grazers are very important in the functioning of grassland ecosystems, and Grasslands National Park uses a combination of fire and bison/cattle grazing to achieve a diverse grasslands ecosystem.

What happens to the grass when we burn, doesn’t it die?

Grass responds very well to fire; it grows mostly from the bottom of the shoot. Prescribed fire is hot enough to remove the dead vegetation and if timed correctly, it does not harm the growth areas of the grass.

How are invasive species affected by fire?

Invasive species respond differently to fire depending on their growth form. For instance, grasses grow quickly after fire, and some forbs will grow in any bare soil left after a burn. Here in Grasslands National Park, fire and grazing are used to stress crested wheatgrass with the goal of diminished production.

What happens to animals in a fire?

Fire rarely traps large mammals. It may kill some small animals and birds. However, over the long term, most species benefit from the improvement to habitats created by fire. This can also improve wildlife viewing opportunities.

How does smoke from prescribed fires affect park visitors and communities?

As much as possible, prescribed fires are located and conducted under conditions that limit the smoke produced and direct it away from areas of human use.

Fire protection and prevention

Parks Canada uses prescribed fire to restore ecosystems and reduce the chances of severe, damaging wildfires. An Interpretive sign, about the use of fire in Grasslands National Park, is located at Two Trees Trail. Directions and additional information about prescribed burning can be obtained from the Grasslands National Park Visitor Centre located in Val Marie, Sk.

Check information bulletins for details on closures and other key information about prescribed fires in Grasslands National Park.

For more information or updates, contact us:

Phone: 1-877-345-2257
For more information on prescribed fire in National Parks, visit: Prescribed Fire

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