
Vuntut National Park

Firearms prohibition

Issued: June 14, 2017

Firearms Prohibition

Under the authority of Section 16(1) of the National Parks Wildlife Regulations, the undersigned hereby prohibits the possession of firearms within Vuntut National Park during all times of the year and in all areas of the park.

This prohibition does not apply to the members of First Nations exercising their traditional aboriginal rights or rights reached through an agreement with Canada.

“Vuntut National Park” means the lands set aside by proclamation as a Park for a National Park of Canada and more particularly, described in Part 11(2) of Schedule 1 of the Canada National Parks Act.

Provisions of Yukon First Nation Final Agreements, court decisions, and other aboriginal rights, as reached through an agreement with Canada, may take precedence over any restrictions/prohibitions made under these Regulations.

Questions? Call Parks Canada (867) 667-3910 / 1-800-661-0486

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